Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Int’l survey: Filipinos most aware of global warming

Filipinos with access to the Internet are among the people most aware of global warming, according to a survey by a multinational consumer research group.

The AC Nielsen “Online Consumer Opinion Survey,” conducted last November, covered 25,408 Internet users from 47 countries and territories in Europe, North America, Asia Pacific and the Middle East.

The survey found that 94 percent of the 503 respondents from the Philippines had heard or read about global warming.

Only 13 percent of the American respondents said they were aware of global warming.

Seventy-six percent of the Filipinos said they thought global warming was “a very serious problem.” It was the highest percentage of those who said so in the Asia Pacific region and the fifth in the world after the Brazilians, the French and the Portuguese.

Moreover, half of the Filipinos polled thought human activities were to blame while 4 percent attributed the problem to natural changes in climate.

Forty-six percent pointed to both human activities and natural factors. One percent said they did not know.

Read full text from the Philippine Daily Inqurer, March 7, 2007

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