Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Strategy Drives Tactics: The Smart Communication Workshop

Health Action Information Network (HAIN) conducted the 2nd Smart Chart-Spitfire Strategies Training-Workshop last July 27-28 at Fersal Place in Quezon City.

The training-workshop was part of HAIN’s ongoing project with the David and Lucile Packard Foundation, which aims to promote effective education and advocacy on population and reproductive health issues in the Philippines.

Twenty participants attended the workshop - 17 of whom were from Metro Manila, one from Pampanga and two from Bicol. The participants were all involved in Reproductive Health issues and advocacy activities. At least eight of them have attended the Religion, Gender and Sexuality (RGS) workshop which HAIN also conducted last June 21-24. They were invited to attend the Strategic Communication training to complement their learning from the RGS workshop with advocacy skills. This also provided a venue for the RGS participants to hold a meeting for updates.

The workshop trained the participants to plan for and use strategic communications to advance their program goals. Through the use of the Smart Chart, the workshop trained the participants to use a systematic and effective communications approach in reproductive health advocacy.

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